Lexique des mots eFORTH v 7.0715 web

publication: 8 septembre 2023 / mis à jour 8 septembre 2023

Read this page in english


Pour récupérer cette version de eFORTH:

Les différents vocabulaires

Liste des mots du vocabulaire FORTH pour eFORTH version

-       -rot        ,           ;           :           :noname     !           ? 
?do     ?dup        .           ."          .s          '           (local)     [ 
[']     [char]      [ELSE]      [IF]        [THEN]      ]           {           }transfer  
@       *           */          */MOD       /           /mod        #           #!  
#>      #fs         #s          #tib        +           +!          +loop       +to 
<       <#          <=          <>          =           >           >=          >BODY  
>flags  >flags&     >in         >link       >link&      >name       >name-length  
>params >R          >size       0<          0<>         0=          1-          1/F  
1+      2!          2@          2*          2/          4*          2drop       2dup  
4/      abort       abort"      abs         accept      afliteral   aft         again  
ahead   align       aligned     allot       also        AND         ansi        ARSHIFT  
asm     assert      at-xy       base        begin       bg          binary      bl  
blank   bye         c,          C!          C@          CALL        CASE        catch  
CELL    cell/       cell+       cells       char        cmove       cmove>      colors  
CONSTANT            context     cr          CREATE      current     decimal     defer  
DEFINED?            definitions depth       do          DOES>       DROP        dump  
DUP     echo        else        emit        ENDCASE     ENDOF       erase       evaluate  
EXECUTE EXIT        exit        extract     F-          f.          f.s         F*  
F**     F/          F+          F<          F<=         F<>         F=          F>  
F>=     F>S         F0<         F0=         FABS        FATAN2      fconstant   FCOS  
fdepth  FDROP       FDUP        FEXP        fg          fill        fill32      FIND  
fliteral            FLN         FLOOR       FMAX        FMIN        FNEGATE     FNIP  
for     forget      FORTH       forth-builtins          FOVER       FP!         FP@  
fp0     FROT        FSIN        FSINCOS     FSQRT       FSWAP       fvariable   handler  
here    hex         hld         hold        I           if          IMMEDIATE   internals  
invert  is          J           K           key         key?        L!          latestxt  
leave   literal     loop        LSHIFT      max         min         mod         ms  
ms-ticks            n.          negate      nest-depth  next        nip         nl  
normal  octal       OF          ok          only        OR          order       OVER  
pad     page        PARSE       pause       PI          postpone    precision   previous  
prompt  quit        r"          R@          R>          r|          r~          rdrop  
recurse refill      remaining   repeat      rot         RP!         RP@         rp0  
RSHIFT  s"          S>F         s>z         sealed      see         set-precision  
set-title           sf,         SF!         SF@         SFLOAT      SFLOAT+     SFLOATS  
sign    SL@         SP!         SP@         sp0         space       spaces      start-task  
startswith?         state       str         str=        structures  SW@         SWAP  
task    tasks       terminate   then        throw       tib         to          transfer  
transfer{           type        u.          U/MOD       UL@         UNLOOP      until  
used    UW@         value       VARIABLE    vlist       vocabulary  W!          web  
while   words       XOR         z"          z>s  


Liste des vocabulaires définis dans la version

ansi        FORTH       internalized    internals  
structures  tasks       web  

Mots définis dans le vocabulaire ansi

terminal-restore terminal-save show hide scroll-up scroll-down clear-to-eol 
bel esc 

Mots définis dans le vocabulaire asm

end-code code, code4, code3, code2, code1, callot chere code-at code-start 

Mots définis dans le vocabulaire internals

ca! DOFLIT S>FLOAT? 'heap 'context 'latestxt 'notfound 'heap-start 'heap-size  
'stack-cells 'boot 'boot-size 'tib 'argc 'argv 'runner 'throw-handler NOP  
LONG-SIZE S>NUMBER? 'SYS YIELD EVALUATE1 'builtins internals-builtins cases  
(+to) (to) --? }? ?room scope-create do-local scope-clear scope-exit local-op  
scope-depth local+! local! local@ <>locals locals-here locals-area locals-gap  
locals-capacity ?ins. ins. vins. onlines line-pos line-width size-all size-vocabulary  
vocs. voc. voclist voclist-from see-all >vocnext see-vocabulary nonvoc?  
see-xt ?see-flags see-loop see-one indent+! icr see. indent mem= ARGS_MARK  
cell-base cell-mask CALLCODE #f+s internalized BUILTIN_MARK zplace $place  
free. boot-prompt raw-ok [SKIP]' [SKIP] ?stack sp-limit input-limit tib-setup  
raw.s $@ digit parse-quote leaving, leaving )leaving leaving( value-bind  
evaluate&fill evaluate-buffer arrow ?arrow. ?echo input-buffer immediate?  
eat-till-cr wascr *emit *key notfound last-vocabulary voc-stack-end xt-transfer  
xt-hide xt-find& scope  

Mots définis dans le vocabulaire structures

field struct-align align-by struct last-struct long ptr i64 i32 i16 i8 
typer last-align 

Mots définis dans le vocabulaire tasks

main-task .tasks task-list 

Mots définis dans le vocabulaire web

Ce vocabulaire est spécifique à la version eFORTH web.

yielding-task yielding import rm ls download cat include-file upload upload-file  
session? web-key? web-key web-type scripts scripts# random button mouse  
textWidth fillText font text-size! log raw-http-upload http-download raw-download  
upload-success? upload-done? upload-start ms-ticks silence tone importScripts  
release keyCount getKey clearItems removeItem getItem setItem smooth gpop  
gpush rotate scale translate show-text keys-height mobile textRatios viewport@  
window line fill stroke lineTo moveTo beginPath box lineWidth color! text  
gr grmode shouldEcho? web-terminate web-key?-raw web-key-raw web-type-raw  
jseval JSWORD: jsslot jseval!  

Mots non définis dans eForth

Ces mots peuvent être utiles pour étendre les vocabulaires.

web vocabulary

arc         arcTo       circle      clip        closePath   clearRect   date@        
drawImage   ellipse     imageSize   lineDashOffset          globalAlpha!             
rect        resetTransform          setLineDash 
shadowBlur  shadowColor shadowoffsetX           shadowoffsetY 
strokeText  textAlign   time@ 

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